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Kresnik said:
Cool news about Innocence. It'd be a dream come true if I had both that and Hearts on Vita in the west.

I've already pre-ordered Hearts since it opened up for pre-orders, so that's pretty much all I can do (slash afford).

Odd news about Samurai Warriors. I mean, SW4 sold surprisingly well on Vita, but still, wasn't really sure that they were going to revive Chronicles to be honest.

Odd news about Xblaze too. The first one sold terribly. But I guess well enough for a VN!

I though 10k for a pure VN (no gameplay like DanganRonpa or Ace Attorney) in Japan was actually pretty decent

Slightly surprised by SWC3 as well - I though T-K's strategy for Vita musou now was just to port the PS3 ones, I guess they must think there's enough of an audience to go a step further and make a bespoke (well, for handheld) game. Can't say I'm complaining though (digital only seems to be on the cards though if recent releases are anything to go by though) :(