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AZWification said:
marley said:
kljesta64 said:
next nintendo console will be and needs to be on par with other consoles if they want 3rd party games.

I don't think power is going to make much of a difference.  They didn't get that great of support on 64 or GC.  The ps360 still gets most multiplats, so I don't think power isn't the real reason the WiiU is getting skipped.

The N64 didn't get many 3rd party games (compared to the PS1 at least), because it used carts instead of CDs! The GameCube, on the other hand, didn't get many 3rd party games because it used mini CDs and its kiddy image didn't help either!

There is always an excuse.  The 'excuse' now is power, but the real reason is 3rd parties no longer have a userbase on Nintendo consoles to sell their games to.  Of course, that's what happens when you ignore a userbase for decades, they ignore you right back.  I don't see anyway for Nintendo to fix this issue, and I don't think releasing a more powerful 'playstation clone' is really going to make any difference.