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irstupid said:

Sheik is losing in the poll (if she still is) because she is hardly "new".  Sure she was announced same as other two but pretty sure 99.99% of people all expected her to be in it so it isn't exciting.

As for Darunia being the top guy (again if he still is) it is probably due to being a "guy".  Isn't he the only male character besides Link?  So poeple might be happy to see it's not just Link's Harem game.  

I'm still upset over Lana or whatever her name is.  She just doesn't look like a character in the Zelda world to me, looks too japanese anime or pop imo.  Why not use another known character like Saria or someone and give them her movesets, cause her movesets are kind of cool.  

Yeah, Lana definitely killed Saria with that one Deku weapon that gives her plant powers. That pissed me off. As for Sheik, not everyone expects her because it's been a while since she's been in anything other than Smash. That said, I know she has a huge fanbase, not only as a she, but also as a he. Like you said, there aren't a lot of guys, and there's a rather big fanbase for Sheik out there based on the theory that Sheik is literally male, not just a disguise to make Zelda look like a male, but a magical male alter ego that either actually turns Zelda into a male (it is confirmed that the transformation is magical in nature, not just Zelda changing clothes quickly), or at the very least is based off a historical Sheikah hero, depending on the theory you follow. Considering they introduced Sheik separately from Zelda, as their own person rather than just a transformation of Zelda, they could be playing to that fanbase, and Sheik might actually be a guy in HW. Watch the trailer. Sheik has a male form and the voice isn't feminine at all. Think about it, Impa's voice is more feminine than that. But whatever, it's a theory. Either way, there's definitely a fanbase for Sheik as a separate character from Zelda. Darunia on the other hand, the only reason anyone wanted him was so they could play as a Goron, and a lot of people didn't even think of him, they just wanted Young Link with transformation masks.

Hey, wait a minute, have you even played Zelda games? Every Zelda game is Link's Harem game! Think about it. In ALTTP, you literally carry a harem of crystal encased women around in your pocket, Ocarina of Time has only 2 male sages out of 7 and all the girls fall for him somewhat, including some non-sages like Malon, Wind Waker you literally take over the mind of a girl to make her do your bidding at one point, and Link has a fair number of women in that one too, Skyward Sword gives Link a few women, and even lets you lead a girl on, Twilight Princess has three princesses (counting the bug princess) and a childhood friend, Link's Awakening has you date a Malon clone, Oracle of Seasons has you going out with some subterranean alien chick, the list goes on and on, Link never has a shortage of women.