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No PS+ benefits, but free access to digital games you already own outright (i.e. Not dependant on active PS+ subscription) with carry over game saves. And 75% discount on games for which you earned at least one gold trophy before first playing it on PS Now.

Pricing, I would give 1 hour free for any game one time only.
$3 for 4 games for one hour.
$3 for one game for 24 hours.
$5 for one game for a week. Add $1 for each additional game for that week.
$10 for one game for a month. Add $2 for each additional game for that month.
$15 per month subs for up to 4 games (any game in the library) every month.
$100 per year subs for up to 2 games every month.
$200 per year subs for all you can eat.

I used to rent physical games for a week and pay $5 and was happy to do so. Occasionally renting 2 or 3 times in order to finish the game.

$200 per year sounds like a lot compared to EA access, but given its limitations, and factoring in $30 per year for all other major publishers and no access to minor and India games, full access to most of playstation's 3 generation and PSP library is pretty good for $200 a year, but only if sony makes me the majority of the game library available. If it's only 1st party, most 3rd party exclusives and a smattering of 3rd party multiplats then it's probably not worth it.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix