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You note some good points about games rotating in-and-out of the list, and the troubles with dlc purchases (Sony faced a similar issue with drive club PS+ edition...).

Yet, we have to see if they rotate the games often, for some players it may be worth it anyway since they play the games then trade them as soon as the sequel comes out (battlefield/cod) or they never touch the old ones... They are effectively paying upward to 100$ a year for a single game! So if ea wants to avoid another PR disaster they could have some games staying in the rotation 1 full year, then change the others every 3 months or so... It would make zero sense to me, I don't play ea games that much, but some battlefield player who would buy the dlc would probably buy it only for battlefield...

Now for versatile players it sucks because all those publishers could end up doing the same... I say as long as this membership model does not affect the existing businesses model, I am OK with it.

My problem with your post is that you implied some "shoveling down our throat" well... Just no, that's not something forced, in fact its easily dismissed.