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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

First of all lets get a couple of things out of the way, I am a native speaker of english, with a full grasp of the language, their is nothing about my english that is confusing, if you don't understand what I am saying then either ask me or use the internet.

  1. not supported or proven by evidence.
    "unsubstantiated claims"
non se·qui·tur
ˌnän ˈsekwitər/
  1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

Secondly, you say that I am wrong, but they only thing you are doing is running away or changing goal post because i am constantly disproving you claims, hell you cant even call them theories anymore because I've already explained how that is false as well. You claim these things are obvious, despite me proving them both nonsensical and wrong. You said previously that the measure of a console success was being sold out for the first year, proven by history so you claim, when the very fact that the PS3, last in the US, second globally, was sold out for the entire first year of its release.

Thirdly, quote the post in which I claim that the Wii did not carry any stigma because of the nature of its games, if you can't do this. Your entire last paragraph is an utter lie.

You aren't even using basic reasoning skills at this point, you said the Wii gave us Wii Fit, suggesting that it was a bad thing, I countered that it also gave us Wii Sports which is the most popular console game of all time. Clearly any stigma that the Wii carried didn't affect it in the slightest.

See here is the problem, All you care about is being right. All I care about is making sure you are right. The issue is you are flat out wrong and you refuse to admit it it, and now you want to say I'm wrong? On what grounds am I wrong? Simplify it to brass tacks, or ragequit the argument because you can't handle the fact that its painful to revaluate the vestiges of ignorance that have comforted you for so long.

You're making this complicated when its simple.

The funny thing is you've already admitted nearly all of your points as being mistaken, although you've yet to realize this yet. So at the very least we are making some sort of progress. And its annoying that you have to defend your misguided fallacies to defend your Ego, but since I recognize that its merely the defense mechanism and I know for a fact that I am right, then they do not phase me much at all.

Frankly, I can go for days until you A understand the folly of your claims (a success) or B quit in confusion and frustation (a sad but expected loss). At the very least, I can sleep soundly knowing that all though there are many like you all over the internet, rarely will you have much an effect in the industry as much as on it as well.


All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)