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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

DarkD said:

Sony and Microsoft aren't anywhere close to where they should be sales wise.  The winning console should be sold out pretty much for the whole of the first year.  That's just basic history for games consoles.  

pulled from ass, being sold out is a terrible position to be in, basic economics 1 o 1. The PS3 was basically sold out for its first year as well.

DarkD said:


 People instantly villianized Microsoft at that moment.  

Why would people get mad at attempted screwing over.

Nintendo was dead from the get-go..  

Fifth of all,

Making the Wii the winner of the last console generation had already soured much of Nintendo's reputation.  

This is unsubstainated bull.


They didn't stand a chance no matter what they released.  They're gaining back some traction now that Sony and Microsoft are tripping up all over the place.  

You told me to reread this post, but It seems to me you don't even understand what you've said. I said they released a year earlier so their was no excuse. Not to mention, that the claim that the Wii U is gaining traction now that it has competion which is not only silly, but blatantly false


You want a response well fine.  I answered the first bit already which you said you don't care about so whatever...  

Killinger said "being sold out is a terrible position to be in"

That's just wrong....  Who are you Atari?  Maker of E.T.?  They made 10 million copies of the game when they only had like 7 million consoles sold or something...   I shouldn't have to explain that publishers try not to release a massive amount of something right away because it could backfire on them.  

Killinger said: "This is unsubstainated bull." about people's impressions of Wii U being soured from their experiences with Wii

Its a conclusion I drew...  It's as good as any other.  Sony draws them too yea know...  They are just as unsubstantiated as this one is.  The only difference is that people treat conclusions from Sony as gospel.

Killinger said: " that the claim that the Wii U is gaining traction now that it has competion which is not only silly, but blatantly false"

The Wii U started out badly because as I said before, people were upset over the Wii, casuals weren't buying into the new console, only hardcore Nintendo fans were still buying it.  Another reason for my conclusion is that people had impossible delusions of what the other two consoles were going to be.  

Most of the people on this forum didn't even believe Sony's own statements saying that the graphical leap would be smaller this time around.  When it was finally released people all over the place couldn't stop saying "the pc can do better, wth is this" and such.  This was what I was talking about.  People started to snap back to reality.  

The other delusion people have been having is that Sony is gonna bring some huge catalogue of games from a variety of genres.  I concluded that this is wrong.  Games are more expensive to develop so they are cutting back more.  There's also more competition, iPhone, Steam, Indie games, smart phone games, web games, etc.  Based on all of this I have concluded that Sony isn't going to have nearly as great of a release lineup as people think Sony will.  

Now as my conclusions are proving true,  I have drawn another conclusion out of my head.  Wii U will gain traction as the other two deflate their own bloated images.  

Is it provable?  No its a theory I've drawn.  What you don't seem to realize is that everything on this thread is a theory, mine just aren't following the mainstream BS line of thought.