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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
DarkD said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
DarkD said:

Ok first look at DonFerrari's posts...  That is what I meant by villianizing microsoft....  

I don't give a damn at what DonFerrari said, I'm responding to you.

I'm not gonna respond to the rest because it sounds more like you don't understand the english and are misreading it somewhere...  

You don't have to lie, you cannot respond because you are wrong, and you refuse to admit it. Otherwise, you would've explained how I misread it if this is truly the case. Not to mention, only six was in response to the claim you said I misread. 1-5, where other stupid things you said such as: a winning console should be sold out, Microsoft was villianized, the Wii winning ruined Nintendo's reputation and doomed the Wii U, that the Wii U is gaining traction because the XB1 and PS4 are faltering(Despite the fact that the not only all increased in sales and the Wii U sold more on the holiday of its release then last holiday), and that the Wii U would fail out of the gate (Irrelevant because they had a full year BY THEMSELVES TO FIX IT), all of which are obvious lies.

Perhaps, I should go easier on you, you've clearly shown you cannot handle this kind of blantant exposure. At the same time, I'm not known for pulling any punches, and I already told you to give it up, and you still doggedly go on like you are on some righteous holy war, a knight in shining armor, valiantly charging into the Console Wars, failing to realize that your armor has rusted on the inside, your horse is old and sickly, and your sword is made of cardboard.

I've been responding to this thread for like an hour now....  your comment was rude and didn't even make any sense, so I said to hell with it, I'm not dealing with you.  

See this is the part where I call you out for refusing to actually respond, and I get banned for flaming or whatever, but you know what this time, I'm not going to do that. Instead, continue to blantalty disregard my responses because I already know that you have no sensible retort.

And I will continue to quote you, not for your benefit any longer, but for the benefit of those who are reading your lies, and arguing with you realize that you are purposely blinding your self to facts, deafening yourself to reason, and locking your self in your misguided and uniformed beliefs.

When you say ludicrously false things like the PS4 and XB1 are faltering, when they are outselling their predecessors at the same point in time, readers are at least aware that you are less credible then sites like the or the onion.

You don't give a damn about what I say T.T

Sorry cone, I kept it about the 3 quotes to have all the message, please don't kill me.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."