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XTitanXO said:

Wow, you playstation fans are deluded. Xbox will win in the United States of America. Why you ask?

1) Better games. Duh. Who cares about little crap planet, the order 1934 and so on. Xbox has Sunset Overdrive, Halo and hundreds of others.

2) Better controller. This one doesn't need explaining. The DS4 isn't even as good as the Xbox Duke controller. LOL poorstation bots!

3) Better build quality. Microsoft learned from their mistakes with the 360, they now have a 0.01% failure rate while the PS4's failure rate is reaching close to 15%.

4) More powerful. With the cloud and dGPU we're talking 4-5 tFLOPS, that's more than twice the power of the PoS4!!!

5) Better online and better value with Games for Gold. I had a PS3 and was never able to finish a single game online because the community was annoying and the experiences in general was rubbish. XBL all the way.

So for the above reasons, I anticipate that the Xbox One will have DOUBLED the number of PS4s sold come next August.

EDIT: In America, and probably the UK. I see it catching up in other territories by the end of 2015.

Misterxmedia is that you????

Edit: damn beaten!!