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Squilliam said:
Andir said:

Forum Rules:
#1. Thread titles must be work safe, descriptive and on topic. Keep the language in thread titles clean. We don't restrict language usage in posts (up to a point), but thread titles are a different matter. Whatever luridly foul things you wish to say about Luigi, you can find a work safe euphemism for the title. Also, letter substitution fools nobody, but strings of unpronounceable symbols are acceptable. Now for the descriptive and on topic bit. It's very simple - use the thread title to sum up or describe what you are saying in your post. Do not use the title as a deceptive hook to lure people in.


I know the rules might be hard to read, but they still apply. Ignorance is NOT an excuse.

My apologies, I saw it before and I would change my title to reflect if I could.

Ok, different topic, Art direction.

How do you think the PS3 capabilities reflect in the art direction of exclusive games.

Art style doesn't directly relate to technical abilities. Super Mario Galaxy is one of the best looking games this generation, in terms of visual style.

As for which games have utilized the ps3's capabilities to the fullest, Uncharted is the first to come to mind. It has been said by many reviewers that Uncharted is the best looking console game out, and I would have to agree. Gears comes in a close second, imo. The only game that we've yet seen that I think will top Uncharted is Killzone 2 (which seems to top it by quite a bit), though of course we have yet to see proper shots of Gears 2.