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phaedruss said:

Lol see this is the defensiveness I'm talking about. It's not console wars, it's comparing sales. He wasn't complaining about people saying, "return of the king" he was complaining about people even comparing them.

Defensiveness...........I'm a PS4 primarily user. I mean I haven't turned on my Xbox One litteraly since Titanfall came out.


Its annoying. Period. We have litteraly hundreds of threads a day with users of both sides circle jerking each other over whose "team" is better. It's stupid, childish, and pretty gross honestly. Can we not have one thread where we can look at the actual topic, which is Sony's performance and overall health of the company, without immediatly devolving into the same bull shit we can read in nearly every other thread?


You would wish, or I would guess hope, that there was more maturity in the gaming community.