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Console gaming was never mainstream. Not even in the 7th gen. Being a "gamer" is still a thing, and playing games is still viewed differently than watching movies or reading books. The latter two are treated as a given that you'll do them, while gaming is usually ignored as an artistic, entertainment, or storytelling medium. The people who play console games are the gamers, the people who have embraced the medium where the mainstream has failed to do so, for no real reason I can discern beyond some unshakable taboo. Mobile games have been more mainstream than console gaming since they became a thing. They were instantly more mainstream because they were on a mainstream device, and dirt cheap at that. Being mainstream doesn't make them the "next step", and it certainly isn't a step forward. Until mobile gaming is nearly universally accepted by people who actually care about gaming as being the main way to experience games, mobile games will not be the next step. And mobile games are in no position to get anyone who actually cares about games to give a damn about them, and won't be anytime in the near future.

TL;DR: No, mobile gaming isn't the "next step forward". It's neither the next step nor is it a step forward. Just no.