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crissindahouse said:
Kratos said:
Yeah I dont think PlayStation has any need for EA access PS+ offers enough as it is. I already have a huge backlog on my PS3 because of PS+

Great! As addition to this post I want to say that I think that Sony should stop allowing EA games on the PS marketplace at all since they cost also money as addition to a PS+ membership. I mean, who are they at EA to take 30 bucks for a game on the marketplace if you want to buy one of the games which you could also get with this subscription. 

I also think Sony should stop the F2P and MMO model on PS4. It's not a good value to pay like 15 bucks per month for FFIV or 30 bucks for some gold in a F2P game when PS+ costs only 5 bucks a month...

I think everything which is not part of PS+ should be not accepted because it's not the same value!

Btw how much does it cost to stream games over Sony's Playstation Now service? Ahh yeah, 5 bucks for 4 hours...

Jeez no need for the condescending tone. As i said before in another post:

I said for me personally I dont see any need for it but thats just me. I am not defending anything, I think it is great value for x1 users and I also agree with the notion that Sony should give the option to the gamers. Am I not allowed to express my opinion on wanting or not wanting this service for myself?

I did jump the gun with saying sony does not need it because it might turn out they do need it.

PSN ID: clemens-nl