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They are not terrible or great but it just feels like they rarely have deals that make you run to the store. The only times I've been there in the last couple of times were for the pokemon figures, Zelda WW HD ganon statue, and SMT4 for $10. I wish they had better deals but their flyer mainly just promotes pre-ordering for extra content instead of saving money. Yes they are great for a good used game return policy. Yes I'm glad they helped bring Xenoblade to the U.S. I just don't care about pre-ordering the amount that Gamestop pushes its customers to do.

I can get games cheaper online or at Bestbuy since I got 20% off new games there and most of the time that price is lower than a used price at Gamestop. Heck, I pre-ordered the the Smash for Wii U for $80 and I saved $20 for a game that I knew I would buy the collectors edition of anyways. What does Gamestop have when you are a member and want to buy that edition? Just a sheet of the characters in the game and other games you can pre-order.

That is why I think people dislike Gamestop. They tend to push pre-orders on people than give the customers deals. Maybe I just don't see the value that much since I am more of a PC/ Nintendo gamer, but it just seems like my mentality is to find the best deal on a game and to me Gamestop rarely has it.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls