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Ken, please make sure to continue releasing quality quotes like these for everyone to enjoy:

"The PS3 is not a game machine"

"Beating us for a short moment is like accidentally winning a point from a Shihan (Karate master), and Microsoft is still not a black belt. Just like with their operating systems, they might come out with something good around the third generation of their release."

"I believe we made the most beautiful thing in the world. Nobody would criticize a renowned architect's blueprint that the position of a gate is wrong. It's the same as that."

"Microsoft shoots for the moon. Sony shoots for the sun."

"This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why Xbox 360 became like that."

"With the PS3, our intentions have been to create a machine with supercomputer calculation capabilities for home entertainment."

PS3 is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."

"The PS3 will instill discipline in our children and adults alike. Everyone will know discipline."

"Microsoft is trailing behind us, but they are not a threat. They are good at improving [on products], but we will be advancing to the next level with revolutionary technology."

"We're not going to equip the PS3 with a HDD by default, because no matter how much capacity we put in it, it won't be enough."

"The Wii is an impulse buy."

Since you left Sony, I've missed hearing your daily doses of PR insanity.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)