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Communism, on paper, has never been successfully implemented. It was an ideal for equality, yet many countries who claimed to be Communist are indeed nothing close to its core ideals. Mainland China is one example. It claims to be Communist, yet what it turned out to be was a dictatorship in disguise. China today is far better than it was starting in 1945, but today it is still not Communist. I would say it is now a Capitalist dictatorship. They have this huge wealth gap between rich and poor, very similar to the United States. I would classify the United States as a semi Capitalist dictatorship. North Korea is another example; they claim to be communist, yet they are nothing but a pure dicatorship. They are far worse than China ever was; their leaders are modern dynastic rule. Same family rule for 3 generations now.


I would say the countries that most resemble Communism are actually Northern Europe (Norway, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, etc). They are Democratic, but implement many socialist laws. They have the lowest wealth gap in the world, happiest people on Earth and everybody lives decent lives with all necessary things in life covered. They are all wealthy; their average income is 35K per person. Unlike the United States, their CEOs do not make 100 times more than their employees. They are millionaires, not billionaires. Balance is the key to happiness. Those who hate Communism don't know what they are talking about because the so called Communist nations are all giving it a bad name. They are dictators, not Communists.