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eh.. all in all.. threads like these will be like gold for mass ridicule when 2nd hand game shops cease to exist and we are left with either buying only new games or having to subscribe for older games. this, i fear will ultimately set a new precedence in the console gaming world where every publisher decides to run their own subscription plan and we as gamers can only sit back and look at the mess we accepted and decided for ourselves. Typically in the gaming world, it's not the casual consumers that dictate the direction of gaming, but the core/hardcore gamers. we as the core gaming community accept this.. then it's basically all she wrote.

if EA Access proves successful and extremely profitable, guaranteed, others, if not the majority of, publishers will follow. what's to stop them when people will accept it?  also, when this happens, what's to stop a pub from progressing further and cut out physical copies entirely and force people to go all digital? sub plans like this would ultimately make physical disc games obsolete. there would be no need for a 2nd hand market because nobody will have anything to trade/sell. noone will truly ever own another game they purchase again.. to be able to play will require some sort of paywall. If EA succeeds in this, then I guess MS's initial X1 vision will now ultimately come to fruition.  the simple answes to drm/digital only/subscriptions blockades like these  use to be.. "answer with your wallet"  guess we finally did.

Happy gaming folks.. or shall I say soon.. Happy renting folks.  the wheels have been turned..

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..