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By the way, people have already so often discussed capitalism / communism, and to me it feels like these discussions usually end up as people repeating a handful of propaganda slogans everyone's heard time and again.

Therefor I'd be interested in knowing people's opinion on what I consider to be a diffrerent, yet somewhat related question:

If (in, say, a few decades) technological progress and increase in productivity would lead to most people simply not being required for work anymore - how should society, and the economical system, react to this trend?

There are many influential leaders etc. who believe that this is really going to happen sooner or later. There are even already certain words for this theory, like "tittytainment" (a word which was apparently invented by geostrategical US mastermind Brzezinski) or the "one-fifth-society" (suggesting that in the future, only about 20% or less of the population might be required to work)