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Avro1958 said:
Well every business is obviously in it to make money... But then you have EA who takes it to new extremes. They are trying to get more money from IP that has all but dried up. This is not a crazy value, I mean it's good for some that have not played these games but for a good portion of us we have already played or own these games.

What this is good for are those busy people who only have the time and money to really only buy a few games per year (yes people like that do exist).

To these people, PS + and Gold free games are more then they can handle. This EA plan gives access to games that people normally wouldn't have touched.

In the end, EA will make money off of dying games and people who pay will play them (when they wouldn't have otherwise).

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.