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This is the first time since E3 2013 where I would say Sony is doing something wrong.

I dont know why you all citing the annual fee for this services? Do you really play all your games for full 12 months?
It is 4 €/ month and if I feel like playing some Fifa or madden in august/september when the seasons starts, or some mates come over to play some Fifa etc , I can just go and pay 1 month instead of forking out 70 € for the current year version or 30 -40 € for the last year version. Its still a bargain and I save A LOT of money. Because next months I might not want to play those games, so I dont pay.

And Im not afraid if other publishers follow EA. Even if Ubi decides to do a similar service and if it even has only 1 game that I want, Im gonna give them 4 € and rent the game for 1 month. This is really cheap.If I would rent the game from a like blockbuster store it would cost me 60 € for 30 days. Compare this to 4 €!

And in a month where lets say I want to play a game from EA, one from Ubi and one from Konami - well thats 12 € than, but still a lot cheaper than buying the 3 games especially in the digital scores.

So I dont think its up to Sony to decide what has value for me.They should finally reveal what their PS Now service is about, and if they stick with that high pricepoints.