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Intrinsic said:

I am sorry, I would rather pay $50 and get "games and discounts" from every publisher as it is now rather than pay on a publisher by publishr basis. Cause if this thing takes off, next thing you know ubisoft has theirs, activision, take 2...etc. Before you know what more and more vlue will be leveraged behind these "services" to the point where not paying for it would seem stupid......

So no, down the road I don't see how this is good value. I don't see why adding yet another service to do something that a service is already in place to do is a good thing especially when it reduces the value of the already existing service. Be it PS+ or XBL. 

I would really not mind paying $30 x 4 = $120 per year and have them competing in the value stakes. That, to me, sounds like a situation wherein I'll have constant access to a wide variety of great games. Moreover, I'll be able to try out things I'd have never managed to convince myself to pay for outright.

That's not a lot of money. And you can still go buy physical games anyway.

I don't like Xbone (or MS for that matter), but I see this as a good proposal at the  very least.

Of course it might get stuffed up somehow - the jury is out.