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well.. the difference between gamestop and ea access is.. at the end of the day.. you OWN your game, which you could resell, trade, give away, or continue playing it as long as you have your disc(s). as for ea access.. it's a one shop all done ordeal.. you don't OWN your game, you wouldn't be able to resell, trade, or give away.. and the game itself could easily be taken away when EA decides to, or rendered useless when taken out of the vault when EA decides to.

As a gamer, it's alarming how quickly people are willing to not to want to own their own gaming purchases/content. I can continue to play basically every game I've ever purchased not tied to internet connectivity and will still be able to far into future even if new consoles come out.. i will never lose the ability to play that game as long as my console doesn't go kaputz. In the GAF threads, people are already talking about trading in their physical copies of EA games because of the subs.. problem is, they owned the game, which they can continue to play well into the future should they choose to.. but, now they are basically "renting" the same game they previously owned, but now with no ownership and no idea of how long such a title will remain in the vault. they are at the mercy of EA.

Look.. there is some value there.. i'm not blind.. but some of those titles in the vault are annualized titles and many are already getting new iterations here within the next month or so. People talk about what a great value it is to be playing those older iterations, but so many of those titles re-playability lies within multiplayer.. which you will still need XBL Gold for. Not to mention, it remains to be seen what kind of games will be put in the vault.. Titanfall wasn't for a reason.. I'm not expecting many high profile games or SP experiences will either. It's funny because many people in the GAF thread and even here in VGC talks about "can't wait to get their hands on Dragon Age, Madden 15, Fifa 15, Titanfall, etc.. and only for $30 a year!" not understanding that EA Access is for a backlog of older titles only.. They will eventually get the Maddens, Fifa, etc.. but probably only after 6-9 months or a few months before the release of new iterations. Which isn't bad.. but more than likely, by that point, a huge chunk of the MP community will already be gone or game will no longer be that relevant as the release into the vault would typically mean sales have dropped to the point where the game could be found in the bargain bin.

don't want to get all negative nancy, but it's hard to find value in this other than access to a backlog of older annualized games. the 5 day before retail release, 10% discount, and the sub being optional is the only plus i'm seeing thus far.

my 2 cent.

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..