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Personally, I have switched from being extremely anti-communist to a self-proclaimed communist, but now I don't know what I am. I used to be extremely against communism was due to all of the past and present "communist" countries. I believe that freedom of speech is essential to all human beings, and so the heavy censorship was (and still is) a huge problem for me. I was also against their use of the death penalty, as I believe that execution doesn't justify any crime (capital punishment is one thing that I really wish the U.S. didn't have, but that's off topic). I also hated how there was a lot of poverty while the higher ups lived luxurious lives.

However, there are things that I like about communism. The fact that they managed to dramastically increase literacy rates, increase gender equality, as well as provide free health care and education. I also like the idea of a classless society (which was only partially accomplished). I believe that the more equal society is, the better.

The reason why I am unsure now is that I really don't know what communism is anymore. There are so many variants (Marxism, Leninism, Luxemburgism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.) that I can't tell what is really communism and what isn't. All I know is that I promote a governemt with freedom of speech and as much equality as possible. I also support direct democracy (the people vote directly on laws) and a world with no countries, just a unified world.