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Chasesdaddy84 said:
I've noticed a trend... Most everyone who says it seems like a legit game has played the beta/alpha or are currently in it. I just started it yesterday and I'm not saying it's a day 1 for me, but it's doing a damn good job of convincing me it is. 

Then I've noticed nearly everyone who says "oh its WAY over hyped, looks lame, so on and so on" then I look at their Avatar and it's a big Mario Kart avatar or something similar to that... Hm... How much of the beta/alpha have these people played? My guess is little to none.. 

In the end it's all subjective. It's all our opinions and that's okay. Some will like it for what it is, some will hate it for what it is. and that's okay. Play what you enjoy and let others play what they enjoy.

Really, all the anti-hype that's occurring is due to the immense hype itself.  Games are made out to be so much bigger and better than they actually are these days that its jaded a lot of fans.  

Having seen a lot of Destiny advertisement, I have yet to see it be sold as something it's not.  It doesn't claim to change gaming or to break the mold.  It's Mass Effect with tons and tons and tons of cash pumped into it's marketing.  So in reality, no one isn't - or at least they shouldn't be - hating on Destiny, they're hating on the people who believe the hype and make Destiny out to be "the next big thing".  It's not... Destiny is for gaming now what Halo was 10 years ago - a solid gaming experience.  

I don't fault Activision for hyping the shit out of this because of it's mind boggling budget.  At least they aren't lying about the game, it's fan expectation vs. fan cynicism.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"