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This seems to be a sensitive subject. Part of me fears upsetting the status quo of a pro-Playstation environment, due to the backlash I will no doubt recieve, but I feel this has to be said. I should never be silent out of fear of being ganged up upon.

We see it all the time since Titanfall released, even before its release. People of opposing factions are quick to point out that the game isn't exclusive and is available elsewhere, regardless of its impact on Xbox specifically and what it offers relative to its biggest competitor. Less so, people have said similar things about upcoming Project Spark and Forza Horizon 2. Not generalizing here per se, but I think it is fair to say many fans live in a status quo where we are obsessed with exclusives.

I just want to say, until now it is convienent for fans of the opposing faction to make exclusive-only lists. Because really, MLB The Show off the lists is a great trade if it means Titanfall is off the X1 list because they both aren't exclusive. But what now with Little Big Planet 3. Would you list-prone fans ignore it now? A gen 7 PS3 staple? Just sweep it under the carpet and deny it existance simply because it is now multiplat?

I for one don't believe in such nonsense. Making exclusive lists doesn't show the entire picture. It shows a fragmented, fake representation of what one console offers over another. I am curious to see how PS fans who like doing the lists stand on this. Do you ignore a gen 7 staple out of principle, or can our lists be more progressive going forward?

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.