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I feel lot of people are downplaying the performance of a 500-600€ budget build on this thread, either out of bias or lack of experience.

Theres lot of value to be had at 500-600$ range, I've had two 500-550€ budget builds myself in the past 6 years. the performance difference from "max graphics" to "max graphics -2 graphical options (usually shadows to medium-high from ultra and anti-aliasing to none or low AA") is usually the difference between perfectly playable 30FPS to <15FPS. Not to mention if you build smart you can allways extend your current build with a new GPU in a year or two to get upto double the performance for 80€-150€ more.

Getting 60FPS out of a budget build though is not going to happen, but I dont think it happens much even on consoles, even there you have to decide whetever u want mediocre visuals on 60FPS or a really crisp-detailed image at 30FPS.

500-600€ PCs also do not become any more obsolete than console, if you can play Call of Duty 11 on 4 years old PS4 at low-medium graphics 1080p@30FPS, I don't doubt u can do that same thing with a similar PC setup.