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adriane23 said:
justgames7604 said:
adriane23 said:

No. Just no.

you can buy the ps4 gpu eqivalent for 200, and if you looked into apus (like a ps4) you would find its equivalent there aswell.

Why wouldnt a pc thats about 500 witht the equivalent gpu of a ps4 last as long as a ps4? Most pc games use the same api as consoles and are being optomised continuously aswell. 

have you ever looked into pcs? a crappy surface pro for 700 can run titanfall. you think a dedicated machine wont?

its like you got all this preconception from a forum and never once tried doing anything you talk about once (or even research it, go watch linus tech tips they have a video up showing a 5-6 year old gpu getting equivelent performance as an xbox one). So take it from someone who builds pcs for a living: you're so wrong.


Lol, I get that you're new here, so I won't treat you too harshly. Your facts are woefully wrong about me (I am a Playstation and PC gamer if you didn't know) and PCs that are equivalent to a PS4. And don't get caught up in your feelings over this.

Lol, and i get that youre straight up wrong here. Trust me go watch a few linus tech tip videos. don't let you're wrongness get caught up in this and go do some research. like alot of console gamers say: hardware doesnt change.

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one