Augen said:
Shadow1980 said:
$30 for Metroid, Punch-Out!!, and Zelda II years after release. $30 in 1993 is the equivalent of almost $50 in 2014 dollars. Metroid and Punch-Out!! cost $35 when they released early in the NES's life, putting them well over $70 in today's dollars, and Zelda II cost $45 when it first game out, which is over $80 in today's dollars.
Nintendo still does this most of the time and why owning a Nintendo console is often more expensive than a Sony one after you add up game catalog costs.
Does anyone have an idea of how Nintendo manages to keep prices high years after launch? Are they activly keeping supply short? Do they control retailers somehow? Or is it the Nintendo fanboys that are the reason for Nintendo games long legs and slow decline in price?