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I know it sounds bizarre at first, but you know what would end the israel-palestine conflict?

Proper rockets for Hamas.

See, the real reason why there is still no peace between both sides is the asymmetry of the conflict. From a military point of view, there is absolutely nothing Israel has to fear. Every now and then, the palestinians may fire a rocket, but in practice, it hardly ever hurts anyone. Israeli hasbara won't fall short of claiming that the palestinians fire rockets almost daily, but the truth is that during the last several years not a single jew in israel was killed by rockets.

The palestinians have absolutely nothing to offer the israelites. One or two decades ago, suicide bombers and rockets still caused israelis enough fear so that a compromise may have been possible. But now, with Iron dome and the wall, israelis are not really afraid anymore, and thus, they're less willing than ever for a peace deal. Israeli newspaper ha'aretz had a very interesting article by a rabbi recently on the psychological obstacles for israelis to a proper peace agreement: They have the feeling that what they would loose by a peace agreement outweights what they feel they would gain.

The insane asymmetry of the conflict is very well symbolized by two pictures that were shot on the same afternoon. The location of both pictures is just a few dozen kilometers apart:

While israelis party at the beach, palestinian civilians are recovering the dead corpses of their family members from the ruins that were once their homes.

Now the paragraph above may sound like I praise suicide bombers and firing rockets. I don't. But simply condemning them is just as pointless. The truth is: Suicide bombers and firework-like rockets that cannot be targeted and hardly ever hit anything are only the weapons of the most desperate people who have absolutely no other means of fighting back.

I mean, does anyone seriously believe Hamas would fire rockets that never hit anything (or: innocent civilians) if they had they means of the israeli military? If they had a dozen of highly advanced, satellite/laser-aimed weapons, giving them the possibility of killing high-class terrorists like Netanyahu from their couch by simply watching a bomb drop on a house on a computer screen - do you seriously think they would use their precious rockets to target civilians instead?

So, as horrible as it sounds: The reaons why this conflict is still going on is not because Hamas is firing rockets, but because they are firing the wrong rockets. If all that israelis want is that the palestinians stop firing rockets at israel that might kill innocent civilians, there's an easy solution for that: Give them a couple of proper rockets, so that they have a chance to target the right people resonsible for this craziness.


It's actually quite like in the bible:

The biblical heavily-armed Goliath (who would be an israeli in present times, as he was from an area that now belongs to israeli territory) would never have simply agreed to peace with David (who would be a palestinian in present times, as he was from Bethlehem which is on palestinian territory) and his people. For with all his metal armor and his superior weaponry, what did he have to fear from a small and apparently unarmed shepherd boy?

It was one little "weapon", aimed at the right spot, that changed everything.


So: Give the palestians their own iron dome, and a few dozen high-tech missiles, and trust me: The conflict would be over in no time, probably without a single israeli civilian casualty.