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Master Reboot is a good game. The story is very intriguing, without giving too much away it deals a bit with the characters fear of death, and the way they came up with to live on forever... through cloud storage: "The Soul Cloud". It confuses you as to who you are in the beginning, you may think you are a certain person judging from the first memories you encounter. Walking through the stages you find other small memories within blue rubber ducks that reveal more of the story and you can piece things together a bit better.

$15 is a bit steep for the game, but what it lacks in polish it makes up for with intriguing story, good controls and a unique approach to solving puzzles. A good buy if you like puzzle games mixed with a bit of horror and mystery.

Reading through Miiverse comments I realized a lot of people didn't get the ending of the game. They think it's glitched. It is not glitched at all, it was designed that way and it makes sense if you think about it.