MoHasanie said:
bigjon said:
MoHasanie said: I'm surprised game prices haven't risen yet. I complain about $60 being too much but its only fair that prices rise now. Maybe $80 will be fair. |
only reason it has not is because of DLC and micro transactions.
It also helps that games a whole sell more than they used to. Selling a million used to be a really big deal, now it is a failure for a AAA game. The SNES best selling (non bundled) game was DKC at like 9.5 million, and only 6 games sold over 5million (including bundled games). Now selling 5 million is very common like Watchdogs just did in 2 months (all Platform combined, multiplat was much more uncommon then), and multiple games sell over 10 million. And it seems about 2 games a year sell over 20 million lifetime (mostly unbundled) which never happened back in the time period we are looking at.
So while the margin is low, the sheer volume and as I mention DLC and such help blunt that.
That's true. But would you prefer buying DLC or paying $80-$90 for a bigger game? I personally would prefer the latter.
of course, I like the option of paying extra for a game I like after the fact for more content, its better than paying it up front and then not liking it.
End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)
Wii- 72 million 3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases
360- 37 million Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak
PS3- 29 million Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut