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So beta is over, almost everyone I know was blown away by a BETA. When is the last time that as happed? I remember Diablo 3 was considered a "good" beta because they let you go to the skeleton king.... Ok back to the topic. I cant help but think what they will add. So here is my list of things I hope we see either in the Sep 9 release or at least down the road.

1. Cant wait to see the other Multiplayer maps, Venus was a blast, the moon was great and will be better once the vehicles get adjusted.

2. More mission types, who really thinks the only 3 types of missions are Story, Strike and Explore- I want to see some Meta events, like 24 guardians on a battlefield defending  against tons of enemies with a few Massive bosses thrown in, yes it would be a mess, but battle is messy too (fog of war)

3. PvP on massive scale, but tactically focused with defensive structures, seige, and of course vehicles. This is more of a "down the road" type wish I think.

4. War Clans- They teased this, I assume it is how Destiny does Guilds, and I was to see how it works. And yes we need a VGC War Clan.

5. PvP modes- Control modes is fun, I am sure there will be a Team Deathmatch and a "every Guardian for himself mode" but what else? I cant wait to see.

6. Subclasses- I read through the descriptions for the Titan Subclass and I like what I saw, will definity allow coordinated teams to build roles for their team members.

7. Exploration Mode- It was fun, but there definity needs to be more going on, places to explore, more community events, I hope there is more on launch, but I am sure content will be added over time.

8. Old Russia was cool, moon was intriguing..... I want see the other beatiful worlds Bungie was crafted.And please let one zone be some sort of ancient (think Incan) city of course now infested by bad guys.

Ok I will stop there, could go on. The Beta really opened my eye to the possibilities in this game lets hope Bungie uses Destiny's full potential.

Also on a side note- I made this in the Sony forum so we could share our PSN I'ds. I wanna get some VGC 6 man fireteams together and faceroll some Pugs.

So feel free to share your PSN id. mine is       tokila

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut