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1st point; Price,

Building a PC that is capable of doing what a PS4 can do will cost you more. But with games much cheaper on PC that difference pays itself back. Depending on how many games you buy a year you can even be better of with a PC.

2nd point; Technological difficulty.

Assembling a PC can be done for you. Most retailers that sell PC parts also assemble PC's. It will cost you but not a great deal.
Aside from that, assembling your own PC is a great deal of fun and feels very rewarding. It costs time but it's not as difficult as some might think. When I built my first rig I was anxious I would damage parts. Afterwards, when I realised how easy it really is, I started doing more and more. Now I've got a fully customized and water cooled setup.

3rd point; Longevity

If you assemble a rig that can play all multiplatform games now, there's very little chance you won't be able to play multiplatform games in 5 years time. Most multiplatform games released right now have minimum system requirements featuring hardware released years ago. You might not be able to enjoy 1080p at 60fps anymore but none of the consoles manages to do that now to begin with.

Besides all that PC offers modding, free online (which helps lower the costs as well), a massive games library and, to most, a better online community.

The only advantage consoles still have, and why I still buy them, is (console) exclusives.