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baloofarsan said:

Steam gets  a lot of heat for DRM but it's not an issue because it's a PC based seller.

Why not an issue?

 Not to mention Steam competes with other digital sellers for your dollar.  You don't have to buy from Steam, you choose to - and not in a "don't like it, don't buy it" devil's advoate way.  You legitamatly can choose who you want to buy from.  It's not just "The Steam Store" on a PC.

Where do you buy NEW AAA non-indie games?

You can do mods/expansions that you can't do on any console.


Upgrading isn't a thing with Steam games.  You download a game in 2008 and get a new PC in 2014, you still have that game.  Not so with consoles that lack backward compatability.

I got the impression this was covered by XboxOne originaly.

Finally, in many cases, games that need patches on consoles may never get them, or they get them in an untimely fashion.  While a Steam game gets patches a week after launch from some fan who just fiddled with the games code a bit.

1. Why not an issue? It's not an issue for the reasons named later in that post.

2.Where do you buy NEW AAA non-indie games?

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"