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Ok, i'm not really a big fps fan. I like my odd fps games here and there.

I prefer platformers, with ratchet and clank being my all time favourite game, then littlebigplanet.
The shooters which I have liked generally have been third person ala Gears, Spec ops, uncharted.

Last gen, I didn't spend too much time with halo. I bought way after release, odst, reach and 4(very recently)
I do like halo's campaign, but i'm a sucker for a good campaign. 
(Heck, I even liked killzone shadow fall's campaign, even though the story was pretty darn weak)

Anyway, halo didnt ring the bell inside me as much as it clearly did to millions of others. I never got into any of the multiplayer modes, and I have given them a fair bit of playthrough.

I do plan on eventually getting halo 5, but definitely not at release. 

I have been playing the destiny beta however for the last week. I fricken love it.

First the story. It doesn't feel like your generic linear campaign. Especially with the open worldish structure, the multiple players who can play with you or just do their own thing. While almost every mission feels like a clear the room or defend something from a wave of enemies style mission, I am getting really into it, and I think that's down to the looting system. 

It's a simple mmo-style game, designed for us console peasents who don't play games like WOW or LOL, with all their confusing menus. It's just fun, ranking up, killing, upgrading, moving on to the next mission or objective. There's something about it that draws me in despite the unfair beta level cap of level 8. I can't pin my finger in it.

Playing the multiplayer as a break from cooping the 'explore' missions with my friends is fun. It sorta feels like a linear multiplayer, like cod, unlike battlefield, with way more elements to it, like the glide or double jump. I've actually been doing good on it, and I got into it quicker than I ever got into Halo.

So I ask you, good friends, who have played halo, as well as this weeks destiny beta, do you prefer the halo-style multiplayer game or the destiny-style?

Halo is known for its addicting multiplayer over anything, but I believe the opposite now, that halo has the superior story (it is really good) and destiny has the more addicting multiplayer (competitive). Destiny's story seems a bit meh, but that could be down to very little story revealed in the beta. And also post-alpha dinklage still sucks. And also the commanders voice is dull too.