Conina said: Do you really think, PS3 sales will stay at 50,000 weekly in November and December 2014? You can't base your averages on the slowest weeks of the year. |
BraLoD said: 50k week is in one of the slowest months in the year, and we have holydays and black friday that can boost 1-2M in this and next year sales. |
So, you're saying the Ps3 will jump from 50k weekly to 1 million, but it's just a matter of time. I highly doubt that and i highly doubt the fact that the ps3 can pull 17 million in a matter of 2 years because it will need 160k weekly that is just simply being the best selling platform weekly which is technaclly not logical since the Ps4 has been resleased and people won't buy a ps3 when they have the chance of buying a Ps4. So, my answer and "guess" is still no. :)