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walsufnir said:
theprof00 said:
walsufnir said:
Oh yes! How times change... Nowadays it's all about the eyes, the size of the screen and spec-sheets, repeated over and over and over while most of those who post the "facts" don't know what they are talking about

Nope. This gen is all about games too, but for some reason AA and A don't count because they're not big devs who publish on xbox and instead chose ps4

Where does this come from? Context to this thread? If it was all about the games, WiiU would lead. Massively. Just with Virtual Console you get a lot of games with immense quality. Don't try to shift AA and A games in this thread - btw, how much of an issue were these games last gen?

This is just a reaction of the stupid "$system has no gaemz!!" and an unwanted one. The majority of people (over 82 million 360) didn't buy a 360 because of Xbox live arcade, they bought it because of the AAA games.

Context to the thread? I'm just following a conversation within the thread that you were involved in. I don't know why you suddenly can't tolerate your own off topic conversation just cuz I put in my opinion.

...But you're right. It is a reaction to the " stupid '$system has no gamez!!'" comment....because I'm reacting to what you just said.

"The majority of people (over 82 million 360) didn't buy a 360 because of Xbox live arcade, they bought it because of the AAA games."

Halo 3 X360 2007 7.82 2.78 0.13 1.19 11.92
Halo: Reach X360 2010 6.86 1.89 0.08 0.76 9.58
Halo 4 X360 2012 6.26 2.09 0.04 0.68 9.08
Gears of War 2 X360 2008 4.1 1.89 0.06 0.63 6.68
Halo 3: ODST X360 2009 4.27 1.32 0.06 0.6 6.24
18 Gears of War X360 2006 3.51 1.87 0.07 0.6 6.04
19 Gears of War 3 X360 2011 3.95 1.54 0.07 0.48 6.04
Forza Motorsport 3 X360 2009 2.94 1.87 0.1 0.5 5.41
Fable III X360 2010 3.5 1.05 0.05 0.36 4.97
Forza Motorsport 4 X360 2011 1.88 1.85 0.06 0.43 4.23
Forza Motorsport 2 X360 2007 2.32 1.26 0.03 0.4 4.02
    total: 74.21

Even under the assumption that each person only bought one AAA exclusive game, not even all of them combined make up the total sold. (even if you add Call of duty and kinect sports, it's under 2 games per person). I guess I should also take this time to clarify to you how this works because I'm sure you're spinning at this point. Notice how in the franchises above, all the sales are relatively the same? This is the same on every console, from zelda to uncharted. It's because people who buy the one game end up buying the others. What the numbers above ACTUALLY show, is that you have (assuming no cross purchasing) roughly 20-26m people who bought the system for these games. So in reality, your argument is not only easily defeated (with the total sales above) but really quite ignorant and wrong (based on the deeper analysis)

Now I'm not a betting man. Wait, yes I am. Anyway, I'm a betting man, and I will bet that even if you add ALL the AAA exclusives and multiplats, separate them by franchise, and populate their fanbase, you would just barely pass 100m.


I am so confident that you are completely and utterly wrong, that I would bet a lifetime ban on it.


Oh, unless you simply meant to say "people didn't buy [it] because of indies, they bought it because of the value of the overall system which includes the games, the performance of the multiplats over the competitor, the range of features, the price, etc"...then I would have to agree. In fact, this is the same reason why people are buying ps4, and why people bought ps2. There is no irony in any of these sales. There is no goalpost shifting or switching like you imply when you agree that ps fans care about one thing one gen and something else another gen. There is value. Period.

PS: I never said the majority bought a 360 because of arcade. That's a strawman argument.