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Symbios63 said:

What I meant was more : don't quote the complete post to say two words. To make a complete analysis, it's different...


Ah, gotcha!  Yeah, those can be annoying.  Someone quotes a really long post in full - which is directly above theirs anyway - and you scroll to the bottom and it says, "Me too!"


Symbios63 said:


The first big sale spike is japanese launch. I guess the corresponding spike in points simply occured before I started doing those charts.


Possibly.  The Amazon trend is declining at the start of that chart.  But it looks a little too far back to me.  Perhaps it just didn't spike very high, but I don't know if you could project it much farther back because it would throw the rest of the correlation out of whack.  And as it's currently aligned, I think the overall trends match quite nicely.


Symbios63 said:


For information, first spike in points is titanfall bundle, second is kinectless and last one is XBO appearing in japanese list.


That's interesting.  So, it seems that it's remained more popular on Amazon since the Titanfall bundle despite overall sales going down.


Symbios63 said:


Amazon figures rising in advance is not surprising. As soon as an item appears on amazon people can start putting it in their wish list. For highly anticipated bundles/games, they are on the list a looooong time before their release. The early increase for WiiU before MK8 release is due to the bundle appearing early in "I don't remember which country" list.  Concerning the points continuing to rise after the release of the game, I suspect Nintendo good E3 to be part of the explanation.


Ah, I see.  So, it's not just sales or preorders that make the Amazon numbers go up?  That would certainly explain some of the discrepancies.  It's easy to imagine how an item's "popularity" on Amazon - like, say, the Titanfall bundle - could remain steady, or even increase, while its actual sales decline.


Symbios63 said:

Thank you for your interest in this. :)


My pleasure.  Thanks again to you for actually doing the work!

And thanks for the additional info.  It definitely helps to put things into perspective.

ColdFire - The man with no name.