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Hey guys, I made a similar post a while back about some gamers on YouTube taking the console war too far but this is different. What do you think of the gaming community on YouTube as a whole? Not Lets Players but people who voice their opinions in the gaming community on YouTube. People like Doctre81 Shokio ReviewTechUSA NxtGen720 Blackb0nd and many others.

My thoughts: it really is not a gaming community anymore but more like a bunch of gamers "exposing" one another. It is pretty stupid in my opinion. NxtGen720 and Blackb0nd have been at it for a long while talking about NxtGen720s 12k Gaming PC and #colapes. Doctre81 and Blackb0nd also have been at each other about the Wii U. Shokio hasnt posted in a long time and RTU is trying to be as professional as possible and report on news. Interaction is nice between people and all but not when you call them homosexual, a social reject, and talking about peoples grandmas a$$e$!

I have had an urge to join them and create another channel to try to bring in some light onto the community. Just voice my opinion as well as interact with them in an orderly way.

So my two questions here: 

How do you guys feel about the YouTube Gamer Community?

Would you guys support me if I ever do join the community?