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d21lewis said:
Too_Talls said:
Idk......... Ive had a 360 for so long, at this point when I turn it on I know exactly what I want to do, and I don't have to look for it, I just press A............the adds were never an issue for me.

Gamers, man.  Gamers.  We LOOK for things to complain about.  Just like how somebody complained about how they now have to reach so far to press the LB/RB buttons on the Xbox One controller compared to the 360 controller --when the buttons are the exact same distance as before except the empty space on the 360 controller has been replaced with larger buttons.  It's like some people wake up looking for something to get mad about.

Or maybe some have better standards in a product then you..An add filled garbage dashboard is not waht i want in my games console OS, and i don;t blame them. It is there right, they are not wrong or being inreasonable.