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they both look like ass, but all but the last screenshots are taken at different times if the day where lighting and shadows are completely different, the only one taken at the same time of day is the last one, where the differences are much much smaller, with the ps3 having advantages in some areas and 360 having advantages in others.

(panel detailing of the wall in the distance is clearer on ps4, native resolution looks slightly higher on 360.

While the initial animated gif is the same lighting (interior) and does show the shadows are superior on the 360, it's also painfully obvious that the other differences (texture blur) is down to the 360 version being a direct capture while the ps3 version is not (even ui elements are blurred), the ui is blurred on all of the images except for the very last one, so it's clearly down to how they were captured, thus the blurryness is not through fault of the console itself.

compare the rest of the screenshots at the same time of day or youre just wasting your time.

Ultimately however what you're underlining here is that the PlayStation 4 version has made the biggest jump graphically, while the difference between xbox 360 and xbox one is much smaller.