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Well, it's pretty obvious that the PS3 is undertracked here. The 360 is closing in on 85M shipped, so PS3 is the same or a little better. So, the true gap is only ~15M-16M.

The PS3 still has a little life in it, as Sony still haven't started pushing it in the smaller countries that they did the PS2, mainly because it is still too expensive. My guess is that when it drops to $149, they will start pushing it. This won't really increase yearly sales, but it should help them stabilize.

The Wii, on the other hand, is dead. Nintendo has pretty much stopped shipments. And where it does still ship, it's not a large enough number to make a difference to the overall shipped number, which is why they don't update them, anymore.

I'm not saying the PS3 will 100% outsell the Wii, but it will definitely be a lot closer than many thought just a few years ago.