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HideoK said:
Wonktonodi said:
I have a backlog on too many systems
Finished one game on my ps3 then couldn't pick what to play next

What games do you have? Too many to list? lol. I'm just about all caught up with my backlog. I finished a lot since the beginning of the year and I haven't bought anything new since Infamous Second Son. 

My remaining backlog is to finish Strider, Walking Dead Season 2, and the new Resogun DLC. And the last game on my list that I haven't started yet is AC Black Flag.

Will probably take advantage of the gamestop $25 trade in for The Last of Us PS3 for the PS4 Remastered edition next week. Great deal to get the Last of Us Remastered for $25, even better if you haven't bought the new DLC on PS3. Looks like you do need to create another pre-order alongside the purchase though.

Gamestop 50% off Last of Us Remastered info:

lets see there are the games I bought physical but haven't started

2 Jak games

2 POP games

ffx 2

kindom hearts 1.5

beyond 2 souls

dead space 2 and extraction

assassins creed 3

there are games that borrowed from frieds but haven't played much, ni no kuni

3d dot hero

there are ones I own the discs but haven't even finished one play through

dark souls

medieval moves

move heros

there are ones I still want to plat but haven't and mostly because of multiplayer



LBP karting

portal 2

the last of us


then there are my games on psn

when I sorted by type on my ps3 there were 200 games in the ps3 section I have 100% trophies for 33 of them plats for maybe another 4

in that there are many games I don't ever really want to play as well as games I have low interest in playing again or going for platinums or 100% but in there

two worlds 2 only played a few hours

red dead redemption played less than an hour

kindom of amalur just started

deus ex haven't played

both borderlands only a few hours  in the first

Okami 2 hours or less

tomb raider a few of them now


Batman AC

sleeping dogs

saints row the third



Sorcery have to do another playthrough

plus many others I want to at least try once



games to finish

sumioni demon arts


Escape Plan

Disgae 3

Soul Sacrifice

LBP vita

Assassins creed 3 liberation

lone survivor

dead nation

plus many other games from plus that I haven't even started yet


games I have I want to finish the plat


trine 2


games I haven't touched yet


a few other games from plus


that doesn't even cover games I have that have no trophies



FF Tactics war of the lions

Chrono Trigger

Legends of Dragoon

or are on Nintendo systems

kingdom hearts 3d

donkey kong