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Goatseye said:
I think this is one of those bait threads just to get Xbox fans banned.
Anyway, Uncharted would be trashed if Square Enix decide to give a go to the new Lara Croft for big screen.
Halo is a multi-billion dollar business. Big sci-fi directors like Neil Blomkamp, Steven Spielberg and Ridley Scott worked or been working on this IP.

I agree with you about the thread, it's way too premature to give any predictions, especially when Halo projects seem to have moved to smaller screens.

My thoughts on the prospects of both:

Uncharted - has more mainstream potential as an Indiana Jones-type movie. It will sink or swim based on the choice of actors and the strength of story. If they cast Shia LaBeouf or some similarly irritating actor, the movie will flop. If they cast that werewolf freak from Twilight, they might as well put all the money on a pile and burn it. The current director is a comedy hack whose biggest action scenes so far were directing a 400 pound woman out of the bathroom stall. The story will probably go through 20 screenwriters and end up looking nothing like Uncharted.However, the story is less important, as it can be basically any scenario, as long as it casts the main protagonists, but it will end up being a battle against the drug cartel in the end anyway.

Halo - less mainstream potential, but much bigger and more dedicated fan-base. That is also its biggest threat, any sidestepping from the canon will bring it ire of the fans, and the entire movie and the movie-making process will be scrutinized more closely bringing lots of potentially bad PR. The cast will probably end up being a ton of B-List up-and-comers (see Starship Troopers for reference). To make a feature film, it would cost hundreds of millions, so I think MS is doing wisely to keep its scope smaller and go the TV-route. If invested and done properly, it could be bigger than Stargate or Galactica, and the competition right now is not that big.


By putting Uncharted in the summer prime time slot, Sony is signaling a huge investment in it, but in the end, we could just get another Green Lantern.