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Comic Con starts today! Yay.

There are two sessions that should feature Mass Effect in a major way. The first is to do with the Art of Video Games and likely will feature some discussion of Mass Effect, though I imagine with a focuse on past games.

The BIG ONE however will be on Saturday:

Charting a Course - Developing the next Mass Effect

"Mass Effect developers from the Edmonton and Montreal studios discuss what it's like to expand on a well-established and beloved video game franchise. Panelists Carl Boulay (lead animator), Fabrice Condominas (producer), Mike Gamble (producer),Noel Lukasewich (senior artist), and Jessica Merizan (community manager), share their experiences in shaping the next Mass Effect game with new possibilities while staying true to the critically acclaimed series. Moderated by"

So. Who is massively excited (LOL). And what sort of details on the first next-gen Mass Effect do you think we'll see?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS