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Ka-pi96 said:
eva01beserk said:
The wii u will be second because is the perfect complement to a ps4. Nobody is going to get a ps4 and x1 they have almost the exact library. X1 pluss wii u is also another great combination. And since more people seeme to prefer the ps4 over the x1 both the ps4 and wii u will have a bigger increase than the ps4.

This gen like the last, we have seen an uprise on people who own multiple consoles. So I dont think any console will fail and all will sell good, ps4 will still dominate no questions asked. The wii u will do better than the x1 because is the best side console, and some think is a great primary console, while the x1 is not even considered as a side console, and more people prefer the ps4 over it as a primary console.

Hi. I'm nobody, apparently.


Yea I don't know what people are smoking but there are great exclusives on PS4 AND Xbox one. Personally I want to get Xbox one just for forza horizon 2, but we'll see about that when it launches.