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The way I have always seen it, is that for the XB1 to outsell the wiiU it must mean that its selling just as good as the PS4. Not necessarily better, but just as good. My reasoning is because they compete in the same space, over 90% of the games on the XB1/PS4 are identical (barring exclusive dlc or content here or there).

If the XB1 doesn't sell well at all because the PS4 is selling very well and cannibalizing its sales, then that automatically means that majority of the people that would have bought an XB1 are buying the PS4. Its too early to say for certain if that is exactly what is happening now even if the PS4 is comprehensively outselling the XB1.

Now the situation seems to be that the XB1 is settling for second place. Since so far every salvo it has thrown the PS4s way has failed. Its now a case of "well its not selling as well as the PS4 but its at least selling better than the wiiU". While in a manner of speaking that may seem to be true, its not really the case right now anymore, but again... too early to tell.

But the problem is, if the XB1 is really now competing with the wiiU, then that competition would be on the merits of its exclusives. Pretty much in the same world the wiiU operates. And if that is the case, then it becomes a simple question of if Gears and Halo is enough to make the XB1 outpace the wiiU even at a higher price point. Looks like the 6th generation all over again. Way I figure it, is that there won't be more than a 6-10M gap between the wiiU and XB1 regardless of who wins who.

In conclusion, I think its premature for the nintendo guys to assume that they are guaranteed second place. Just too early to tell. They should at least wait until Halo is released on the XB1 and they have ZeldaU on the wiiU and see how sales go then. But I can see their reasoning and it makes its own kinda sense.