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sales2099 said:
Machiavellian said:
sales2099 said:

Actually yes, it does. Everyone has to make their own mistakes to learn. Life doesn't work like that where someone learns a lesson merely by observing someone else learning it. It always sticks better when its more personal.

Actually, since MS's mistakes never actually made it to the consoles launch, it technically isn't worse then PS3's early woes....which did make it to launch.

When you have kids, you learn this point big time.  My wife and I always wonder why our son must experience his own mistakes even thought we have told him and showed examples before he listen.

I learned this as a kid. Parents tell you what is good and bad. But when you do them anyway, you actually see the point, and then you truly learn the lesson.

True people really learn better when they make the mistake, specially children. But they arent children working at MS, right?  What if a couple of kids never seen a lion in thir lives before see this big kitty and one of then tryes to pet it and gets their arms riped off, do you think the other one is going to lauff and then try to pet it himself? Hell no, the kid saw the pain and tears of the other one and would cry and run from just seeing it. So even if it did not happen to them buisness men that are suposed to know the market and study peoples reaction to the competition should know not to make the mistakes of your enemy.

How about this for the adults wich has a little less gore,  a friend go buys chinese food at a restaurant and your friend opens his food and is full of live bugs, will you ever go buy food at that restaurant? No, you would never visit that restaurant and wright complains with you friend. 

Or how about the romans made the mistake of using led for everything and got poisoned from it, do you think it cant happen to you and use lead yourself like makeup? No, you would not.

The quote "if you dont learn from history your doom to repeat it" is meant so we could learn from others mistake that could even have been comited over 100 years before you where born. Like science, you build on others achivements to move foward, cuz if you start from scrach eveery time we would have nothing today. Comparing what I said to your children was just so silly, that I barely held it toghether to not insult someone.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.