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eva01beserk said:
daredevil.shark said:

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."     ------George Santayana

Your right sony did make that mistake. But does that give ms the right to do the same?(I see what ms is doing much worst but whatever). The worst part is that it was  amistake done by someone else and still they did not learn from it wich is why consumers dont seem to forget and wont let ms of the hook. So for people who keep saying hat sony did years ago, its even worst that ms did knowing it failed before but still arrogantly enouff did it anyways.

Actually yes, it does. Everyone has to make their own mistakes to learn. Life doesn't work like that where someone learns a lesson merely by observing someone else learning it. It always sticks better when its more personal.

Actually, since MS's mistakes never actually made it to the consoles launch, it technically isn't worse then PS3's early woes....which did make it to launch.

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