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" In a recent conversation between Phil Harrison, Microsoft corporate vice president, and CVG, we learned that cutting Kinect will never happen.
“Xbox One is Kinect. They are not separate systems. An Xbox One has chips, it has memory, it has Blu-ray, it has Kinect, and it has a controller. These are all part of the platform ecosystem.”

MATTRICK: "Some of the advantages that you get, of having, a box that is designed to use an online state, so, that, uh, to me is the future-proof choice, and I think people, could've arguably gone the other way if we didn't do it and fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360."

Xbox One console will need to connect to the internet every 24 hours for games to work. "Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection," says a statement from the software maker. Microsoft explains that Xbox One accounts can be used on other consoles to access digital libraries, but that an hourly internet check will be required in that particular case.

"game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers,"

Games can also be given to friends via their discs. There are no fees associated with the transfer, but you can only pass them to friends who have been on your Xbox list for at least 30 days and each game can only be transfered once.

To this date, nobody knows what the MS executives were smoking during the first part of 2013.